Prime Minister confesses that he had not advised Wijedasa
A main news item had been published as the lead story in a national newspaper today the 17th instant that the Prime Minister had summoned a
senior Minister to Temple Trees and had severely warned.In this news item it is stated that the Prime Minister had summoned Minister of justice Wijedasa Rajapaksa.The media unit of the Minister Wijedasa Rajapaksa had refuted this news item and had said that it was not the Minister Wijedasa Rajapaksa who was summoned to Temple Tress on the 16th instant as stated in several national newspapers.
In defence of this news the media unit had categorically stated that Minister Wijedasa Rajapaksa who is also the Minister of Buddha Sasana had visited Thailand between the days 13th to 16th in connection with the exposition of the sacred relics taken from Sri Lanka.