How electric car was transformed into a symbol of the wealthy
.... across the Budget
Hopes instilled in the public that the price of vehicles would be brought down by the budget
this time was once again dismissed. Hopes that most people entertained about Hybrid cars and electric cars are not to be seen now. By now there are 2072 motor cars functioning on electricity in Sri Lanka. Out of that, 2011 are of the Nissan Leaf type. After the 25 lakhs taxes of the budget, the price of the Nissan Leaf would escalate to over 50 lakhs.
It was the urban affluent category who utilized motor cars driven only by electricity. Surveys carried out reveal that it has been used as the second vehicle at home. Therefore the government has thought that enforcing a big tax for those of that category is not a disadvantage. Whatever it is, concepts such as fuel frugality, eco-friendliness which have been valued by other Western countries have not been considered in connection with this tax where Sri Lanka is concerned, it is clear.
According to the new tax scheme, it is said that an electric motor vehicle would fetch 25 lakhs more, a Hybrid vehicle would go up by 4 lakhs, a mini-cab by 10 lakhs, a Maruti vehicle by 2 lakhs and a threewheeler by about 1 lakh. As a result enforced by the budget this time, the Sri Lanka Vehicle Importers' Association had mentioned that a situation has cropped up where the vehicle business to a large extent could not be carried on and in particular the import of electric motor vehicles. It is their opinion that the price-hike of 50 percent tax from 5 percent when importing electric vehicles to the country is not justified. They hope to arrive at a solution in the future through discussions. Whatever it is, the government has thought about this topic from a different angle. That is, by turning the electric car into a symbol of the elite class.