Clue about murder from Facebook of chief suspect of Wasantha Zoysa, SF Lokka

Clue about murder from Facebook of chief suspect of Wasantha Zoysa, SF Lokka

Clue about murder from Facebook of chief suspect of Wasantha Zoysa, SF Lokka 

It has been possible to find a clue about the murder of Wasantha Zoysa the owner of the nightclub in Anuradhapura who faced murder recently and that was across SF Lokka named as
the chief suspect in the crime which and which clue has been detected across his Facebook Account. The murder concerned was committed last 25th. About 3 weeks before the crime, on October 5th he had added a photo of his to his Facebook Account and had made the comment, "the longtime earthquake of silence ... underground activities of Anuradhapura would once again be renewed. Those who did injustice to us and the society ... thoroughly beware ... look forward very soon!" -- Loku Malli.

It could be identified across that Account that he is known by the names of Loku Malli and also Iresh Ranasingha SF. Anyone examining his Account is able to get a clue that he is someone who associates MPs, Ministers and is a person who enjoys eating and drinking well as could be noted from the photos there.

Though by now 14 persons are in custody already over the Wasantha Zoysa murder, he has not still been arrested. In the process, on the occasion when Wasantha's final rites were conducted yesterday, some of the Anuradhapura businessmen who were there had received death threats over the SMS on their mobile phones, it was reported. The police have already launched operations searching for SF Lokka.
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