Medical student who came to rob Sampath Bank had written ....
on bank slip 'I will shoot you!" But nabbed after taking away 5 lakhs!
After the recent Colombo Sampath Bank Super Branch hold up, yet another Sampath Bank Super
Branch in Panadura was to be robbed last evening. However the attempt proved futile.
This person who is said to have arrived in the island after having pursued his medical studies overseas has attempted to carry out this hold up in a rather peculiar way. He had written a threatening note on a bank slip and had handed it over to the lady cashier. The cashier who was frightened had on that occasion given him 5 lakhs of money. Later when the suspect had beat a retreat from the bank, the cashier had promptly advised the security unit and later a police constable who was on duty nearby had managed to get hold of him.
This person who entered the Sampath Bank Super Branch in Panadura yesterday (28) around 5.30 in the evening was a resident of Maligawatta and after studying Medicine in a foreign country had arrived in the land recently, it was revealed later. He had written, "I have a gun with me .... if the alarm signal is rung ... I'll shoot!" he had written on the bank slip in English.
When running with the bundle of cash sum of 5 lakhs, an officer of the Traffic Division was able to take him into custody with the aid of some three-wheel drivers; but it later came to be known that he has had no weapon in his possession.