Got caught being intimate with lady in the house

Got caught being intimate with lady in the house ...

 I hit with a club
 Confession of triple murderer of Udugampola Farm House

After the dead bodies of the husband and wife were found murdered mysteriously inside a house situated in the middle of a land of 6 acres in Nainawala, Udugampola, Gampaha last 10th
together with the dead body of a 4 year old girl, the suspect who was connected to the murder was taken into custody in Pasyala yesterday.

This 36 year old person who had left the army and had been serving at this farm house for some time has now accepted that he is responsible for the triple murder. He had confessed that he had carried on an illicit affair with the houseowner's wife Chandralatha (47) and that after being caught red-handed a conflict had gone beyond bounds after which this murder was committed. 

This houseowner had maintained a poultry farm and a pineapple plantation and the murderer had been helping in cultivation activities and also was in this house for security purposes as well. He had been closely attached to the householders and they too in return treated him as a member of their own family and not as an employee. 

As time passed by this person who got into a tete-a-tete with the houseowner's wife when the husband was not there had subsequently made physical touch with her and gone as far as tempting her into an illicit association on occasions the houseowner was not there. Though she had in the initial stages repulsed his advances he was able to gradually win her over after which the illegal connection had started, he had admitted to police. They had taken precautions to be physically intimate only on occasions the husband, the houseowner was away on distant journeys, and the suspect had confessed that there were no customers who sited this large lonely land of 6 acres except on and off and that nobody other than that ever came there. As a result he had confessed that it was possible to keep the attachment a secret for quite some time. 

Whatever it is, he admitted that some days back the husband who left on a journey had happened to stop half way and return home at which moment he was engaged in intimacy with the wife. The husband having caught both of them in the act red-handedly had got into a rage and had tried to engage in a fight with him. The suspect mentioned that on that occasion he had consented to leave the house; but the wife who was intimate with him had refused the decision. What she had said was that her husband should leave instead. The reason for this was that she was the owner of all that property and that she had entered into a matrilocal marriage. 

Whatever it is, the husband had to think of his child and be patient at that moment and he had temporarily stopped the issue going further. However, on many a day after that he had been involved in arguments with the wife and this paramour, bringing up this issue. 

A few days after the first major incident the husband's temper had gone beyond bounds one day and it had culminated in fisticuffs. On that occasion the suspect had brought a club and had attempted to assault the husband when the wife had rushed in front at which moment the blow had struck her. At that moment she had unfortunately died on the spot as a result, bleeding profusely, the suspect confessed. The suspect who had then once again taken the club into his hands in anger after seeing that the wife had died had dealt a similar blow on the husband, creating another death. After the wife and husband had been murdered in this manner he had no idea as to what to do next.

What he had done next was to put both dead bodies into a room and cover them up with a large piece of cloth and lay a black wax cloth over them so that in case somebody was to come, it would not be revealed. When all this was taking place the 4 year old daughter who was at that time clueless about the world around was in a room perplexed and this person who was attached to her was however able to console her.

With the two dead bodies in the house the suspect had later developed a fear of sleeping in the house. Later, without sleeping there he had gone to sleep inside the batta type of lorry while keeping the small girl too with him. Since the girl had felt hungry he had even gone to a nearby boutique and had brought and given her a packet of milk. As customers could come to buy chicken he had opened out the doors of the coop, letting them out. The birds after a few hours had all left the farm and had proceeded to the other side of the land. 

After this tragic situation the suspect who was in a quandary as to what action to take regarding the small girl had the following day early morning carried the still sleeping child and pushed her into the abandoned well down the land and had left her to breathe her last in the most inhuman manner. Subsequently after having stolen the monies of the businessman he had then got into the batta lorry and fled from the house. After about a week since this incident a person who had come to the farm to buy birds had sensed a foul smell emanating from he house and had therefore called the police emergency and it was then that others came to know about the murder.

The police who conducted investigations across the killer's identity card and other signs recovered from the house were able to find clues about places he haunted and ultimately cordon him within three or four days. The suspect who was a resident of Welimada had not gone home after this murder and was walking in search of his confidants when he was apprehended this way.

The suspect is expected to be produced in courts.
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