The Lebanon national who chopped three girls working in a studio who was shot at has died.

The Lebanon national who chopped three girls  working in a studio who was shot at has died.

On the July 8th three girls working in a photo shop close to the Pitzza hut restaurant near to the Havelock road  Pamankade roundabout were chopped with a sharp knife by a Lebanese
national who was  also shot had been admitted to the national hospital.

It is reported that the Lebanese national who was admitted and treated had died 04 days ago on the 23rd at the Prison hospital.

The three girls who were injured had been working with the Lebanese national in the same Jonathan Studio and owing to some conflict the Lebanese employee had been sacked over an issue.For this grudge the Lebanese employee had chopped the three girls when a Policeman on duty had seen the incident had shot at the Lebanese national.

Two months after the incident on the instructions of the Magistrate the Lebanese national had been admitted and treated at the general hospital and then admitted Prison hospital.

It is reported that the Lebanese deceased national had been married to a Sinhalese woman and had been living in the Athurugiriya area.
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