Well-known tele-actress Upeksha Swarnamali (Paba)
who entered parliament at the last General Election on the United National Party ticket but on the occasion of the 18th Amendment changed her Party and made a cross over and became the Gampaha Member of Parliament in order to strengthen the Party of Mahinda Rajapaksa has not received nominations this time.
As reported, seniors have pointed out that because of the competitive situation that existed when nominations were being given to UPFA of Gampaha District, Paba's popularity has decreased and opinions have been expressed that a new name could be used instead of that name. As for this reason her name had been cut off; but she had come at the moment of signing nominations at Mahaweli Kendraya and had expressed her ideas to rupavahini without talking about it. The reason why she had come was in fact to inquire whether her name was there.
Since the popularity of Mrs. Swarnamali has dropped by now and a Mahinda-faction candidate who could come forward and who could possibly gain victory for the side, she had been rejected, which fact was conveyed to her. Whatever it is, when a certain radio channel happened to inquire about the subject of receiving nominations, what she had said was that though she had on a number of occasions requested that she be given the position of Organiser of a Seat she was not given a favourable response and she had this time decided not to contest. However, it has not been reported before that she had wanted to resign from the position of organiser. Whatever it is, Upeksha has had the fortune of obtaining her pension as MP having held the post of MP for a period of 5 years.