Former Indian President Dr. Abdul Kalam who came to Sri Lanka on a tour exactly a month ago
passed away at about 7 p.m. on Monday (27). He was 83 years old at the time of his death. Dr. Kalam who was in good health was delivering a lecture on an evening when he happened to suddenly clutch at his chest and then collapse. He was hopitalized after the incident but after about 30 minutes he had passed away, Indian media reported.
He was delivering this lecture at a Management Institute in Shilongh in India. He had conducted a number of lectures during the past few days and had been touring all over India and because of that very reason he was gripped with severe fatigue, it was learned. Abdul Kalam was a highly distinguished Scientist in India and was someone who was very much dedicated towards the development of space activities. He held the position of President of India during the period 2002 - 2007. He was someone who even was bestowed with the Rathna Award.
Kalam who was born to Tamil and Muslim parents in Rameshwaram in the year 1931 underwent severe hardships even during his childhood days. After studying Physics and Nuclear Studies after which he began to change his life later became an outstanding Scientist in his country.
As a result of Abdul Kalam's death, India has announced a week of mourning.