Story of giving a bribe of 20 million to Rajitha ....
to cover up Avant Garde incident!
Minister Rajitha Senaratna yesterday had spoken about an incident where he was offered a bribe of
Rs. 20 million by a certain party to throw the incident of Avant Garde under the carpet and because he had declined it they are now involved in spending for the legal case filed against his son in order to bring him (the Minister) into disrepute.
The monthly income alone of that party who tried to offer him that bribe and the proposal of comes to a massive figure of about Rs. 450 million and they had said that nobody has refused a proposed large sum of money such as 20 million monthly and the Minister had further said that though they had offered it to him, he had refused.
He also said that since the effort taken to bribe him had misfired, they had got round the party who says that his son is keeping a girl who is a minor under his son's custody had found ways of spending for that case.
On a question posed by the media as to who that party who offered him that bribe was, the Minister replied that it was through a friend of his whom they tried to offer the bribe and because of the friend he is not willing to disclose his identity. However he said that he is in possession of its voice cut and that it is possible to forward it when required.