Pharmacy illicit husband who fled after killing Panadura businesswoman ....
nabbed in Anuradhapura
"I was forced to go away - so I lost my temper
The illicit husband and owner of a pharmacy who was suspected as having killed the woman inside a shop in Hirana area, Panadura a few days back and had fled on which the police after having conducted investigations were successful in apprehending him day-before-yesterday in Anuradhapura.
This suspect Wasantha Gamini aged 54 years who was a father of 2 children had left his wife and children and had begun an alliance with the deceased woman to live as husband and wife from about a period of one and a half years. This widow named Wasana Wijeyratna of 48 years whose husband had died had been living in the same house where her daughter and son in law had been residing and this illicit association she had with Wasantha Gamini had been openly going on as husband and wife, thus known even to this married couple. On the day of the incident as the two of them had not returned home the children who got worried on inquiring about them had found this crime committed.
Wasantha Gamini who was cordoned in connection with this murder confessed how he carried out the murder. "She did not have a business. It was I who got a place on rent with my money and even bought the goods and opened up a grocery for her. Still not even a month has passed since it was opened. On the day of the incident at about 10 in the night when preparing accounts she began arguing with me. Scolded me terribly. I was in hunger. But she refused even to give me food. She said that our connection was over .... not to sight that place after that. To take the clothes at home and to go away. I lost my temper wholesale. Even though I asked whether this is the way I am being treated for having done so much ... she didn't change. We fought with each other. At that moment for the rage I was in when I looked around I saw the new knife brought to cut fruits. I took it into my hand and began stabbing her continuously. She died. Later I felt sorry. But I knew that it was I who would be caught for the murder. It was because I got frightened that I fled".
After the incident Wasantha Gamini who closed the grocery and padlocked the pharmacy had beat a retreat from the area. He had first of all gone to a friend's place in Kataragama. The Panadura police who carried out investigations to find him, later came to know that he had fled to Anuradhapura from Kataragama. A brother of Wasantha Gamini had been living in Anuradhapura and it was to his house that he had fled to.
It was in that manner that Panadura Police Headquarters was able to get at pharmacy owner Wasantha Gamini while hiding in Anuradhapura day-before-yesterday (13). After being produced before Panadura Magistrates Court yesterday (14), Mr. Ruwira Weliwatta, Panadura Magistrate ordered that he be remanded till the 26th.
Previous news item about the incident by Gossip Lanka, from HERE