Eighty-year old mother locked up for 3 days in room

Eighty-year old mother locked up for 3 days in room

Eighty-year old mother locked up for 3 days in room! ....

Three children gone to their village

A heart-rending story was heard of from Polonnaruwa when the Mothers' Day was close
at hand.

It was an incident where a mother was locked up when she was in the room and her 3 children telling her that they were proceeding to their village,thus leaving her all isolated. It was because of a woman in the neighbourhood who happened to inquire about her from time to time that she was fortunate enough to rescue her life from this tragic situation.

On a call received on the Emergency phone number of Polonnaruwa Police on the 8th afternoon a team of officers arrived at the said house in Manampitiya area in Dimbulagala. On that occasion they had found that the house had been locked up and on tapping at the window of the room of which they had received information, the mother's voice was heard. When the police officers opened the window what they were able to see was that this mother was lying down on a small mat. Subsequently the tin-sheet covering with which she had been sorrounded was removed and the police officers had taken steps to enter and had then inquired about her condition after which they had provided her with food and drinks.

She had said that her 2 daughters and son had said that they were going to the village and had thus left her in this state and that she was not in a position to cook for herself; so she had kept herself starving. The police officers were simply surprised to hear about these children of hers who had locked her up for 3 days and had gone away without providing this age-old mother any food. It was P. Somawathi, a mother of three who was left isolated and helpless for 3 days in this way. She further told that daughters of a nearby house were inquiring about her and that because of coming to know that her own daughters had left for the village the said daughters had come to inquire about her as a result of which she was able to release herself from this suffering.

Police investigations are underway regarding the 2 daughters and the son who have locked up their mother without any safety in a dark room for 3 days.
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