Paba - Malani - Sanath - Buddhika - Namal - Ketagoda ....
Pension salaries for 69 after day-before-yesterday
Inquiries on those who drank whiskey during parliament night
New parliament members who became public representatives after 2010 elections after day-before-yesterday the 22nd having completed 5 years have been eligible to claim the privileged parliament pensionable salary right throughout life. Whether they are elected at the next election or not, they are entitled for this pensionable salary. There are 69 who have been fortunate in claiming this privilege and among them are Paba, Malani, Sanath, Namal, Buddhika, Ketagoda and Karuna. The new government was backward in dissolving the parliament until the 100 Day elapsed also because thought was given about those who would have to forego this pension salary.
In the process, a group of MPs of the Opposition who launched a sleepless night of protest on behalf of the ex-President last Monday in the parliament House are subjected to an investigation as to whether alcoholic beverages were consumed in the period of the protest during the night, inside the House, the government has decided. Though Minister Ravi Karunanayaka and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasingha have made a sarcastic reference the following day that the MPs who took part in the protest by remaining inside the House from that night till the following day morning had brought whiskey inside, they had made no complaint about it on that occasion.
However, a senior MP of the government had remarked that complaints have been received to the effect that alcoholic drinks have been brought inside and consumed and in addition had got bites prepared from the parliament restaurant, thus violating traditions of the parliament and its discipline as well. It was also reported that the government Party has decided to conduct an investigation in this connection and to inform about it to the Speaker.