Family tragedy which scattered all over ...
How Kushan who killed mother cried when dead body was found (video)
Apart from committing a very low-grade act of murdering his own mother, Kushan the 18 year old
son of Chandrani of Kotakethana who resorted to an unpardonable sin had left the question of whether a boy of his age could be drawn to the crafty strategy of hiding her dead body without any fear in his heart, to be answered.
son of Chandrani of Kotakethana who resorted to an unpardonable sin had left the question of whether a boy of his age could be drawn to the crafty strategy of hiding her dead body without any fear in his heart, to be answered.
Kushan who should be in the Advanced Level class had left school and had been spending his time in vain and finally joined a youth brigade and subsequently had begun a separate life of his own. The point that his family too had scattered, may have been the reason which would have have contributed towards motivating him to commit an incredible crime such as this.
Kushan's father and mother who had been selling "keera" had been stricken with utter poverty. Neighbours had said that there had been constant friction between Kushan's father who was notorious as someone who was involved in gambling by playing cards, drinking kasippu and Kushan's mother who was trying to end this waste and bring up the children. There are records to say that the mother and father had separated from each other for sometime. Due to these problems at home, deceased Chandrani had instead of keeping the three children at home had posted them here and there at various other locations. One child was in Colombo and another child at a relative's home. Kushan who committed the murder too had been attached to the youth brigade and was out of the village. He would come only on and off. This time he had come for the Avurudu holidays. Within the chaotic environment of this family parental respect had disappeared from these children. It is the opinion of the neighbours that they were children who were of a hot-tempered nature. It was for this reason that Kushan's mother opposing his lover became an intolerable matter for him. Though a twin brother of Chandrani's husband was at the house on the day of the incident, as both of them had been to attend a funeral at a home in the village, information they provided to the police was beyond doubt acceptable. Even though Chandrani's husband was subjected to suspicion concerning the incident where a mother and daughter was killed a long time prior to this, he had no connection to this crime.
In fact he had come back at midnight on that day after going to the funeral house and called out for his wife, since there had been no response he had asked from his second son who was sleeping in the front room and he seemed to have awoken from deep sleep and had replied that he does not know anything. Having noticed some blood stains on a mat hanging in the hall Chandrani's father had investigated further when he happened to see a large blood-stain near the back door and he then informed the police.
On interrogations conducted by the police it was found that though the killer-son had said that he had been sleeping and did not know anything, there had been a contradiction between the actual time he had slept and the time when the transaction of sms messages had been operated on his phone.
Some days later when the mother's dead body was discovered, the way he cried was somewhat queer. Police suspicion was aroused when comparing the piece of cloth in which the dead body was wrapped and a part of a sarong in the house. When the dead body was kept in the house, Kushan's behaviour with his face sort of 'folded up' created a streak of suspicion even among his family members. It was after all these matters taken into consideration that the police team who were conducting murder-inquiries focused attention on this 18 year old son.
Having been brought to the police, though he said lies at the beginning on being cross-examined, he could no longer keep silent. It was in that manner that he blurted out the story that he killed the mother and that was because his mother refused to give the money that he asked to buy gifts for the Avurudu to his girl friend. It was in a disgusting tone of expression that this youth who showed no respect to his mother within the framework of complicated family environment with the idea of labelling the murder as another 'Kahawatta murder' he had finally removed the mother's clothing and made her naked, throwing her clothing into the lake to give the impression that she had been raped.
When the dead body of Mrs Chandrani who was murdered was found around 2.40 on Monday afternoon, police say that no clothing was found on her body and that some damage had been done to her body by monitors and other acquatic animals.
How the murder-son wept when he set his eyes on the dead body were recorded even on T.V. cameras.
It is as follows: