Urban Development chief's two-tongued talk ....

Urban Development chief's two-tongued talk

Urban Development chief's two-tongued talk ....

prime cause for Sirasa -- Derana dispute!

The prime cause for the problematic issue which
occurred last afternoon regarding an incident of a group of Sirasa news reporters stepping into Derana TV Channel was the fact that the subject as to whether a land situated in Fort belonged to Maharaja Organisation or not, being published incorrectly.

Issuing two statements is an offence.  which is that he had out rightly told Derana on Monday that it does not belong to Maharaja Organisation and that it is a fib. However, in the event when Sirasa confronted him last afternoon and queried, he had responded to Sirasa reluctantly while walking saying "I didn't say so ... what I told was a different thing'' and then refused to give a separate statement too because of the embarrassment over what he had previously told and being unable to reverse the statement.

Whatever it is, Sirasa media personnel going to Derana premises to obtain a statement could not be called a clever thing. At that point an unnecessary conflict had arisen simply because of a double-tongued statement of a government officer.

The two statements he said to Derana and Sirasa, from BELOW

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