The draft of the National Drugs Act had disappeared after accepting Rs 100 billion - President Maithripala Sirisena

The draft of the National Drugs Act had disappeared after accepting Rs 100 billion - President Maithripala Sirisena

The draft of the National Drugs Act had disappeared after accepting Rs 100 billion - President Maithripala Sirisena:

President Maithripala Sirisena addressing the
Members of Parliament yesterday disclosed for the first time by a President in this country as to how the draft of the National Drugs Act prepared by him when he was the Minister of Health disappeared after it was handed over to the Attorney General’s department for approval.

The President disclosed that a sum of Rs 25 lakhs each had been collected from 400 drug companies amounting to Rs 100 billion in this regard. He is unaware to date as what happened to the money collected. President speaking on the draft National drugs act reiterated that the original draft national drugs Act prepared by him when he was the Minister in 2011 had disappeared. At that time the Attorney General Theresa Perera who was to retire had promised to hand it over within a week after approving. However the draft had disappeared after her retirement.

In this regard an investigation had not been carried out by the Attorney General’s department. This President had quipped as the worst disaster ever that happened to the health department.
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