Priyantha Sirisena at The Central Neurological Unit .....
still in serious condition!
Younger brother of the President who was
seriously injured as a result of an assault on the head from an axe yesterday is still under treatment at the Colombo Central private hospital in the Neurological Unit.
Priyantha who is known by the pseudonym Weli Raju had been involved in the business of sand mining and selling and he has been assaulted by one who had been a friend of his. Last evening around 7 when Priyantha had been walking in Hathare Ela area in Polonnaruwa where a garage belonging to the assailant was situated this person named Lakmal who had come from behind had dealt a severe blow from an axe to the back of Priyantha's head. At that instance he had fallen down there instantly and the others around had taken steps to admit him to the hospital. Though Lakmal has had a strong friendship with Weli Raju for sometime, there had been a dispute during the past period about a transaction between the two of them related to the business. Priyantha who had gone to Lakmal's house at a time when he was absent there had searched for him and since he was not to be found, he had reprimanded Lakmal's father and mother and created a commotion. Lakmal had said that Priyantha had taken steps to assault his father and mother during the exchange of words among them and had been waiting for an opportunity to take revenge on Priyantha. It was in this way that he had dealt a blow with the axe after waiting for a moment when Priyantha was to pass his garage.
Priyantha who suffered serious damage to his skull and surrounding area as a result of the blow from the axe was initially admitted to Polonnaruwa Hospital and subsequently having been airlifted to Hingurakgoda with the aid of an army helicopter, consequently was taken to the Central private hospital which is situated close to the General Hospital, at about 11 in the night. He was subjected to a surgery for a period of about 4 hours last night itself under the supervision of Neurology Specialist Consultant Dr. Sunil Perera and even till afternoon today Priyantha was at the intensive care unit.
After the axe-blow on the skull there had been an internal haemmorage on his brain and surrounding area. As a result of this condition there is a risk that if his senses would become satisfactory whether he would be in a position to carry on his activities as usual or if his senses starts operating in normal condition, whether he would have to live the life of an invalid.
24 year old Dushan Lakmal who is suspected of having dealt this fatal blow surrendered to Bakamuna Police last night and he had said that he assaulted the victim with a sharp instrument because the victim had tried to assault his parents.