Murdered Manoj supposed to have 12 complaints against homicide

Murdered Manoj supposed to have 12 complaints against homicide

Murdered Manoj supposed to have 12 complaints against homicide .....

alleged to have taken 'kappam' from hotels right round!

Revealed that murder has been committed by 'Podi Lassi'

It is reported that Manoj Mendis, Chairman of Ratgama Pradeshiya Sabha who was shot and killed day before
yesterday at a tourist hotel in Narigama, Hikkaduwa happens to be a person who had been accused of a number of brutal killings. Manoj who is alleged to have been involved in maintaining an underground gang in Ratgama area had been wanted by the police for killings, activities related to 'kappam' and for forcefully acquiring properties. However, because of his political powers he had managed to throw such allegations under the carpet.

On the day of the crime, an armed gang had fired at him and committed this murder around 11.45 in the night. It has now been revealed on preliminary investigations carried out that the crime had been committed because of a personal dispute related to activities that had been done by him. The police have now been able to find that the shooting has been done by a person known as 'Podi lassi' who is a resident of Thelwatta area. He had for sometime been a henchman of Manoj Mendis. Podi Lassi had come to the hotel day before yesterday night with three others and had been in conversation with Manoj for a period of about half hour and after Manoj was drunk, around 11.45 had called him and taken him to another spot at the hotel premises. At that point a heated argument had flared up between the two and it was there that Podi Lassi had aimed some gun shots at Manoj. The gun shots had been aimed at Manoj Mendis's face and chest region and he had died on the spot. At the time the shooting took place, the person known as Susantha had thrown a bottle at the person who did the shooting and an accomplice who had come for the assassination had received cut injuries as a consequence of that particular assault, it was learned. As a result of the shooting incident,both Susantha (Kiri mama) (42) and Sanath Wasantha (Sankha) (36) had sustained injuries and have been admitted to Galle Karapitiya Hospital. The two of them who are under treatment at the intensive care unit are somewhat in a serious condition, hospital sources report.

Manoj and Podi Lassi's party have not been on good terms with each other over a dispute regarding an issue concerning an incident of sand-mining  from Mola Oya in Thotagamuwa area belonging to Hikkaduwa Police area and about dumping garbage and refuse of Hikkaduwa Town Council into Ratgama area. The tourist hotel situated at Narigama in Hikkaduwa where the shooting happened too belongs to a friend of Manoj Mendis. There had been a dispute pertaining to the ownership of the hotel and it had been Manoj who had lent a hand for the present owner to acquire the said hotel. A special musical show is held every Monday night at this hotel  and Manoj Mendis's participation there had been a custom. Even on the day the murder took place Manoj had been present there as usual participating at the party. At the time the shooting was taking place, several local as well as foreign tourists were having liquor and enjoying themselves. During the attack two of Manoj's friends who were beside him had been shot at by the assailant who then fled from the hotel and after leaving the hotel premises had got into a parked van and gone away.

Though the suspects have been identified, and since they have disappeared, police have been unable to cast their net on them. Manoj Mendis has also been accused of shooting and killing a United National Party supporter during the past election period. The police say that apart from this, there are complaints against him regarding 12 or so murders. Another accusation against him is taking 'kappam' from tourist hotels including business places in Hikkaduwa Kosgoda, Narigama and Galle and a number of areas, on a monthly basis.

Manoj Mendis who contested the Ratgama Pradeshiya Sabha in the year 2007 was elected after securing over 7000 votes. He then contested the provincial council elections in the year 2011 and on receiving over 15000 votes was elected chairman of Ratgama Pradeshiya Sabha.

Though it is said that the deceased is engaging in taking 'kappam' in this manner and earning money, what his wife yelled out in tears and said over rupavahini channels was, "oh god ...all these are false accusations .... see our bank accounts .. see our almirahs .... we have no money!"
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