Five family members of monks of Akuressa

Five from same family in Sangha Sasana

News is received of 5 monks resident in one and the same temple. They all belong to one and the same family too and all are from Akuressa area.

These 5 monks who lived in Wilpita Managoda area in Akuressa during the period of their lay life had entered the Sasana a few years before this. These monks who reside in Gangarama Vihara in Akuressa are, Wilpita Piyasiri (20), Wilpita Sumedha (18), Wilpita Narada (17), Wilpita Indrasiri (15) and Wilpita Sarada (14).

There has been another two children in this family and in all are seven while the 2 elder children have not entered the Sasana. Walpiti Managoda Piyavansha couple have bestowed their offspring to the Sangha Sasana this way.
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