The strongest social website in the whole world, the Facebook celebrated its 10th anniversary on February 4th this year. On behalf of this occasion, creators of the Facebook have taken steps to introduce several alluring features to the Facebook.
One such feature is a video of memory which is separately identified in the case of each member of the Facebook. In this feature, photos which have been mostly viewed and transacted in each other's photo gallery have been collected, thus bringing to memory the past and also reminds that you are in the
Facebook from such a time to such a time. Anyone logged into Facebook could browse the page with the address -- https// and view this video. In the meantime, the First Day Cover has been adorned with a fine video of a small child of 10 years who cuts a birthday cake from yesterday (Feb 4).
The Facebook web site which Mark Shukerberg created as an experiment when he was an academic at Harvard University for the benefit of campus students has by now become a wonderful tool which brings together the community of the whole world and has gone so far as a power that topples governments.
"Presently, we have come on an amazing journey. I am happy that I could become a shareholder in it. I am happy that I could become a shareholder of it. It is rather rerely that I get the opportunity of getting close to the lives of a large number of people. I made an effort to make a maximum impact this way at every possible opportunity.
It is a question in everybody's mind as to what Facebook is going to do today. I remember during the period when Facebook was being launched ........ one night I gave a reply regarding this to one of my friends while having pizzas.What I said was that my objective was to create a bond between each other within our school community. I also said that, that way it would be possible to create a bond with the whole world. I always thought about its significance. It is a great strength for people to have the ability of being in touch with each other and to exchange various things; thus and also to build up a unity among themselves.
I was always posed with the question when looking at the 10 years that had passed by as to why we attempted to develop something like this. We didn't have great riches as a large company possessed, in the beginning ..... but we had a tendency as students to draw the maximum from the resources available to us. It was because of that very consideration that we were able to reach our target. Since we have now started this network, we are strong in the ability to help each other. Our plan for the forthcoming 10 years is to unite across the Facebook as a world community and give solutions in a manner or capacity in a way for problems in society.
Though at present what the social network is a medium where various things are transacted, in future, social networks which search for and help in solving global issues by encountering them face to face will be seen as some sort of a power.
By now one-third of the world's population is with the internet. We should take an effort to get the balance two-thirds to get together in the next decade.
We should achieve the challenges facing us in the future with the use of further technical knowledge and tools. Then we would be able to develop better family connections through this more than today.
While with this in mind I would use my responsibility to the best of my ability in respect of this process and would therefore make a contribution towards you all and finally thank you for coming forward to receive my services.