Wellampitiya OIC's wife!
Five individuals including OIC of Wellampitiya police, IP Mr. Bandara Munasingha and his wife were taken into custody by a special police team of the Crime Detection Bureau in connection with drug-trafficking. The lady taken into custody had been a former woman police constable. On interrogation of the two suspects arrested in connection with drug-trafficking in Wellampitiya area had admitted that they had
obtained the stock of drugs from a middleman.
After it was understood that that suspect had received he drugs from the OIC, the latter's house was searched and 42 grammes of the drug supposed to be heroin was found concealed inside an almirah together with 1 lakh 80,000 cash.
Subsequently after it was revealed that a part of the money had been given to the OIC's wife by the middleman , the wife too was taken into custody, according to the police spokesman.
In the investigations conducted in this respect, it was initially revealed that a sum of 1 lakh 50,000 had been given and the first stock of drugs had been obtained,after which another sum of money had been given and the second stock of drugs had been purchased. Of this 1 lakh 50,000, 1 lakh 40,000 was found inside the almirah while the balance 10,000 had gone into the hands of the brokers. The cash from the first stock of drugs had been given by the brokers to his wife. The police spokesman mentioned that inquiries are underway to determine whether the said sum of money had been accepted by the wife knowingly or not.
OIC of Wellampitiya police, Chief IP who had been taken into custody has explained that the drug involved in this connection is not the drug assumed but a type of chemical mixed to a drug. The police spokesman said that the contents would be sent to the Government Analyst to ascertain the truth of what was said.
Investigations are being conducted to find out as to how these items came to be in the possession of the OIC and it was revealed that during interrogation he had admitted that he got them on certain raids conducted.
The spokesman for the media further said that if at all it is revealed that any political affiliation is found at the back of this incident, the person involved too would be taken into custody irrespective of his position.