Kalutara district UNP member of parliament, Mr. Palitha Thevarapperuma related a funny anecdote in parliament yesterday (Dec 7) about the Sri Lankan Police.
"A contest to find the cleverest police in the world was launched in UK. What had t be done in that contest was to search for a rabbit that had been sent to the forest. First of all it was the UK Police who came. They forwarded a report after investigating every nook and corner sparing waterfalls and rocks. They reported that no harm was done by the rabbit to any tree waterfall or environment as such in the forest.
Second came America. They brought pistols, guns and machine guns. They then kept shooting at a stretch and engaged in destruction. They said that there would be no harm thereafter from the rabbit.
Then came the Sri Lankan Police. A few moments passed. A great wailing noise was heard from the forest. "Budu ammo ... don't hit me.. don't kill me!" was the shouting heard. What is this shouting? The Police had actually got hold of a bear and they had really beaten up the bear. "Don't hit .... I will tell ... I am that bear" the bear had admitted. That is the way our police is.
Walls of the police have been removed on orders by the IGP, saying that it was to get the police close to the public. After that were the public protected? Mr. Thevarapperuma questioned once again.