The work of UK riff-raffs? -- UPDATES
Police investigations being conducted over Thavisha Lakindu Peiris who was murdered recently in UK while delivering pizzas is still not over. Even his dead body has still not been brought to Sri Lanka.
He was murdered in the city of Sheffield when engaged in delivering pizzas. Yorkshire South police who are inquiring into this brutal killing had initially taken 3 suspects into custody; but after interrogation, they have been released.Later, 2 other youth aged 17 and 25 were arrested by the police. The 25 year old is Shamraz Khan by name.
Thavisha was to return to Sri Lanka on 9th November this year and he has had to face this tragedy on the final day of service with the restaurant where he was working. He had been on his way to deliver his last order of pizzas he had been assigned to deliver when this happened. Therefore, suspicion has been aroused in this connection.
Thavisha who is a student of Slit Institute in Malabe had chosen a category of Engineering Degree where he could complete the other part of his studies in UK. It was for this reason that he had admitted himself to Sheffield Home University.
It is a customary thing to engage in some extra form of earning in order to meet the usual expenditure while following the degree course. It was because of this that he found himself a job with the Domino Pizza Restaurant. Even after he completed his degree course he had found this pizza job until he could find suitable employment in that country. For this purpose had been using a Yaris type of motor vehicle and what he was expected to perform was to contact the Pizza company and apply for pizza orders and deliver the pizzas. He was paid a commission for the number of orders executed.
He had been stabbed with a sharp instrument and killed on the road on Sunday night in South Yorkshire and there were several stab injuries on his chest. This gruesome incident had happened close to the housing complex in Crescent area in South Yorkshire. Police investigations were conducted in order to also ascertain whether this was done with a motivated plan or whether it was the work of vagrant young men who had done so in a fit of anger.
What Thavisha's mother Sudarma Narangoda says is that though she thought of going to UK to look into this matter about her son's death; since she has still not received her visa, no sooner she receives it, she would be prepared to travel to UK.
An article was published in the recent past that Thavisha has been so murdered in UK for the purpose of avenging the incident where Kuram Sheik was murdered in Tangalla and several people had expressed their displeasure in that connection. However, informed sources say that they are of the opinion that nobody believes that political problems have no affiliation to the murder and that a person who places an order for pizzas cannot be asked to come to a specific place and that such orders are placed on a random basis.
Thavisha Lakindu Peiris who lived in Koswatta, Nawala was an Old Boy of President's College, Rajagiriya. His UK friends have told the police that Thavisha was a very bright and efficient young man and that he was not someone who would get excited. He had been living in UK with a few friends, having shared and rented out a house.
Thavisha had come to Britain with aspirations of becoming a Software Engineer and investigations over this brutal murder is being carried out by South Yorkshire police. The Daily Mail newspaper in England expressing their opinion on the death of the Sri Lankan student complains that a change in in the attitude of the society is to be observed. Comments made by them in this connection are as follows:
"This situation is a clear example that the social depression in Britain which has fallen into a deep precipice has deteriorated further. While financial and social opportunities have been limited to groups of individuals in suburban areas for those who possess qualifications,even that is being grabbed by those who come here and pursue their studies. Even employment in farms and work-sites which were vacant to a large majority have been absorbed by lakhs of East Europeans who have found their way here as a result of liberal immigration laws of the European Market. Though Britain has imposed strict regulations on other countries, it has now come to a position where nothing can be done about those who come here from the European Market.
Because of all these above factors, it has resulted in making British youth into a type of citizens who lack education, are jobless and a wandering set of people contemplating how to use their spare time. In addition, it has made them drug-addicts, racialists and anti-social elements. Those who have become their victims are not those of higher echelons in the country ... but people like Thavisha (including his parents) who strive to achieve their dreams. It is because of this that we are compelled to think that the 'centre of the apple' has rotted in Britain.
Previous article about this murder published by GossipLanka, from here