near master's corpse ....
not being able to bear the heartache
The pet dog reared at home having come to realise that his master had died .... had been reclining under the his coffin in sorrow, without eating or drinking until the final rites were performed and finished as a mark of respect to the deceased. This remarkable story was reported from Dembawa area in Gallewala recently.
Mr. Shantha Wickramanayaka was the master of this dog known as Skipee. It was understood that Skipee was looked after by him like his own child. There had been a very deep lliason of affection between Shantha and Skipee.
A specific time had been reserved for Skipee for him to be fed and for him to be taken for a walk. It was the custom of Skipee to keep vigil on the doorstep whenever his master went to the kiosk or go to work .... until he returned home.
Everybody in Shantha's house was aware that Skipee was a beast who was complete with the quality of that thing called love. It is said that Skipee was a popular character even among those in the neighbourhood. On the 8th of this month, Mr. Shantha happened to pass away rather unexpectedly. So, he came back home in a coffin. From that day onwards, Skipee stopped eating or drinking.
Until the time came for Mr. Shantha's body was cremated ..... for 3 days .... Skipee lay under the coffin,lifeless, without food or drink. Skipee had really felt the loneliness of his missing master.
Shirani Fonseka, beloved wife of Mr. Shantha had this to say about Skipee:
"My husband brought this dog from Nuwara Eliya. He loves this dog very much. He does the bathing ... and the food and drink also he gives. When my husband died and his body was brought home .... I showed him the body. From that moment onwards this dog didn't move an inch from under the coffin .... didn't even eat or drink. Whenever somebody wanted to move it away from where it was .... it would growl. Before my husband passed away ... it would await his arrival at the doorstep until he would step home. Unless he was away on some very distant journey .... at all other times he was behind my husband.
We were frightened that Skipee too would die for not eating and drinking. Even an animal feels pain. Anyway, finally my husband went away leaving all three of us and Skipee.
Skipee in any case was not able to bear the pain of the loss of Shantha. Everybody who attended the funeral was surprised at the wonderful qualities of this animal. This animal called Skipee had human qualities which can't be found among human beings. Skipee was etched in the memories of each and every human being the quality of that bond which most people do not value.