A decisive meeting of the Working Committee of the United National Party will be held this evening, Monday the 7th at the Siri Kotha headquarters.
When there is plenty of reasons for the public to speak against the existing government, as a result of the leading Opposition Party facing defeat after defeat at the elections because of an issue concerning its leader, this has resulted in the opportunity to maintain an authoritative and opinionated power in Sri Lanka a crisis has emerged where those who wish to change this situation are deprived of an alternative.
Today's meeting to be held under the leadership of UNP leader Ranil Wickremasingha, it is reported that issues relating to the procedures to be adopted to move the Party in another direction because of the defeat sustained at the North, North-West and Central Province elections would be discussed and it is expected that this meeting is to take a heated and decisive outlook, according to several rumours.
Some say that Ranil would quit his position as the leader and would remain as a senior in a nominal status while some others say that this too would turn out to be a fiasco as on previous occasions and that he will remain as he is, continuously. Whatever it is, most people entertain hopes that an important decision would be arrived at while at the same time a number of changes are definitely expected in subordinate positions to that of leadership , as is reported.
Ranil wickremasingha has had discussions with a group of monks including Girimbe Ananda Thero about new changes in the recent past. As such, it was proposed that a Supreme Council be instituted under the leadership of Mr. Karu Jayasuriya for the purpose of carrying on the duties in the future. However, it is still in a confused state. The Eksath Bhikkshu Peramuna has said that there is no use of a Working Committee if an acceptable reorganisation cannot be established today.
Whatever it is, Mr. Maithree Gooneratna who made an appeal that Sajith be appointed on behalf of Ranil by organising a protest march during the past few days yesterday said that that the meeting of the Working Committee which is being held could result only in confirming the position of the leader.
However, most party supporters are keeping their fingers crossed that a change would occur today. The decisive moments of the meeting would be known tonight.