An incident is reported of a foreign couple of tourists who had taken the car away after an accident that took place near 93km post ..... leaving the driver alone.
The accident had occured when escorting a British couple who had come to Sri Lanka on a tour to Hikkaduwa. After entering the highway from Hikkaduwa and the vehicle started heading towards Kottawa, it had skidded, colliding with the security-railing knocking the rear side of the car. However, no injury was sustained by anybody.
The driver who stopped the vehicle after the accident had begun to to talk nonsense suffering from the shock. Since he had no idea what to do in such circumstances, the tourist couple had got into some difficulty. At this moment the driver had said, "I'll go and come," and had started walking away. The tourist couple who were at a loss to understand what the driver with such an absent-minded state was going to do had finally thought of taking the vehicle back to a responsible place.
As such, they had thought of starting the vehicle and taking it upto the access point of Kottawa. They had then left the driver on the road and taken away the vehicle. The driver who had been walking had arrived at Kurundugaha kilometer post and explained matters. The authorities there had then intervened and contacted the Kottawa access point by telephone and settled the matter.
The foreign couple had mentioned that there was nothing else they could do other than leave behind the driver on the road like that.
The driver who was involved in the accident had been working for a hiring agency in Kottawa.