Cyprus houseowner shoots Sri Lankan woman ...then commits suicide

     It is reported of an incident where a Sri Lankan woman who went to Cyprus as a domestic hand had been shot by her houseowner of that country over a private issue and subsequently he too had committed suicide.

    She had registered with the Foreign Employment Bureau and left for that country in the year 2011 and had died at her workplace which she herself had chosen -- shot dead by the houseowner of the same house.

    The background for the incident still remains a mystery. The police report relevant to the death of the Sri Lankan domestic worker was expected to be received by the FEB after which it would be possible to ascertain accurately the reason for the incident.

    It is said that the names of the deceased woman supposed to have taken place as a result of a private conflict as revealed so far are Herath Mudiyanselage Ajantha Herath and Kandeaarachchige Sanoja Swarnamali who had been a resident of No. 15, Thalawa, Samudugama.

   Though a specified official reason has not been received in connection with the murder; as reported so far, neighbours had informed security forces about smoke and an odour emanating from the kitchen of the house in question which happened to be macaroni that had been burning in the oven of the kitchen. Security forces on arrival had found the two dead bodies lying there.

    The houseowner who murdered the domestic is a person aged around 72 and it is reported that he too had committed suicide by shooting himself. Depty. General Manager Mr.Mangala Randeniya of the Sri Lanka Foreign Employment Bureau had said that once the post-mortem activities of the dead woman is over, preparations have been made to bring the body to Sri Lanka without any further delay and as such the body is to be brought to the island within 2 weeks. He further said that later he would take steps to hand over the body to her next-of-kin.
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