Certain people found fault with Kandy staff correspondent Kamal Suraweera who covered the Rupavahini video proceedings about the incident where Bowatte Indarathana Thero set himself on fire recently in front of the Dalada Maligawa and passed away. The allegations aimed at him were that after knowing about the monk's intentions of self-immolation, he had not taken steps to avert it all because he wanted to sell a piece of news that would rock the nation and had therefore engaged in an effort of inhuman, narrow attitude. Because of this, he was even taken into custody by the police and was subjected to questioning.
All the allegations aimed at him are now refuted by Kamal Suraweera who is a correspondent of Kandy as well as a number of Rupavahini channels and newspapers. He has written an article to the Mabima newspaper to which he is attached expressing his views in this respect.
"Last 24th .... that is on the morning of Wesak Poya Day I received a call from the news section of a private electronic media to which I am attached. The call said that they had been informed by a phone call that a certain monk was to engage in a satyagraha against cattle slaughter. As such, I was asked to check about it and conduct a video coverage. I told that since it was Wesak Poya Day, the public would have come to Kandy in large numbers and to give the said monk's telephone number.
A short while later I received a call to my mobile once again saying that the speaker was Bowatte Indarathana Thero and for me to come to the Wahalkada opposite Queen's Hotel in order to cover a special item of news. As such, I together with a cameraman went to the requested place, and because there was a large crowd there, I phoned the monk and said that I had come.
The monk then came near me from among the crowd and said that since he has a special announcement to make against cattle slaughter and because there was too much noise around, to come with him to the Mahamaluwa from the Wahalkada.
After that, the thero made an announcement at the Mahamaluwa saying that as 5000 cattle are being slaughtered every day in Sri Lanka, he had taken various steps to prevent it, but as no one's attention has been drawn towards it so far, he would sacrifice his life and attract their attention to this. The thero then pulled out 2 letters from a diary saying that the information necessary for that is there and so saying kept them in my hand. Without reading them I promptly put them in my trouser pocket and told him once again not to do such mad things. I also told him that if he was going to commit suicide I would take steps to inform the police .... and that since his announcement and the letters are with me, it would suffice as a news item and that I would prepare a news item from those by making arrangements to send them to the relevant media office.
I and my cameraman then started preparing to cover a 'bath' dansela opposite Queen's Hotel which was to be attended by the Governor of Central Province Mr.Tikiri Kobbekaduwa, Chief Minister Mr.Sarath Ekanayaka, Mayor of Kandy, Mr.Mahen Ratwatta, inclusive of other dignitaries. I asked my cameraman to cover scenes of the dansela and started engaging myself in collecting relevant information regarding the organisers of the dansela. My eyes then turned towards the cameraman in a short while as I noticed that instead of photographing the dansela, he was directing his camera elsewhere. When I inquiringly looked that side, what I saw was Bowatte Indarathana Thero was holding something like a can in his hand saying something at the top of his voice to the people nearby. In a few seconds I saw the monk pouring some liquid in the can on his body. I then shouted at the people there saying, "Stop it .... stop it ...!" So shouting I ran forward. Then I saw some person moving towards the monk trying to prevent the monk's act and in a split second the monk's body was covered in flames. I also saw the clothes of the person who went near the monk catching fire ... and he was running away from there. The thero who was in flames started walking towards a 'kiri' dansela nearby. Then I saw the crowd nearby and officers of the STF throwing water and milk on the monk's body trying to extinguish the flames. They then put him into a jeep parked close by opposite Queen's Hotel and was taking him to hospital.
At this moment I and everybody there were in deep shock. My cameraman handed me a red-coloured diary belonging to the thero, saying it was near the bodhiya close to where the monk set himself on fire. After this incident I came to the office where I conduct my media activities and informed the DIG in charge of Central Province, Mr.H.N.B. Ambanwela about all the information. He then made arrangements for SSP Mr.Gamini Ellepola in charge of the Kandy district and another police officer to come and contact me.
I gave them all the information and the SSP got down one SI Munasingha to that place to record statements from me and my cameraman about the incident and also to take possession of the 2 letters and diary given by the monk as evidence. The SSP also told me that because of the way I conducted myself, a big issue which the police had to settle was solved. The SI recorded statements from me and my cameraman while I took steps to hand over the monk's diary and letters in my possession to the SI. Before he went away he too told me that the way I conducted myself was very praiseworthy and because of that he would see that I be given a letter of commendation for my service.
That night around 12 I received a phone call to my home by SI Mr.Rangajeewa of the Kandy police who said that as the monk had passed away, for me to come to go to Colombo the following day morning of 26th to give a statement at the postmortem. I gave my consent and on meeting him in Kandy the following morning at about 7 I proceeded on the journey to Colombo with Mr.Rangajeewa and 2 police constables in a van provided by them. Just then I received a call on my mobile phone by one DIG Priyantha of the CID saying that in order to record a statement from me he was on his way to Kandy. I told him that I was on my way to Colombo. There onwardshe was contacting Mr.Rangajeewa on the phone and was in touch right throughout till his vehicle together with other officers met our vehicle at a location close to Mawanella face to face. He then got into our vehicle and recorded a statement from me. Finally he said that he would be proceeding to Kandy to record a statement from my cameraman.
After going to Colombo a police officer from Maradana police station too once again recorded a statement from me. I also gave evidence in the presence of the Colombo coroner into sudden deaths, Mr.Edward Ahangama.
Once the evidence was recorded, DSI Soysa of the Colombo division kept on questioning me as to why though I had the opportunity of preventing the monk committing suicide, I had ignored it. With such an unanticipated allegation I found myself in great difficulty. But I totally refused to accept that and told him that I never expected that the monk would do that.
I have served as a permanent media correspondent for over 10 years and though a large number of individuals have given us statements about committing suicide, so far such a thing has not taken place. Before this I have under certain circumstances I have photographed monks, males and females on a large scale who have threatened to commit suicide. I have also covered much news information of monks who have who have started Satyagraha and those who have made announcements with vials of poison in their hands from on top of trees, rocks and roofs threatening to commit suicide some pouring petrol on their body with a box of matches in their hand. Though I have covered such incidents I have never heard of any such incident actually happening within these 10 years or any other day. In the instance where there was a terrorist attack on Dalada Maligawa or the inhuman massacre near the Shri Maha Bodhi or the brutal murder of theros being murdered in Arantalawa never made me suspect that a monk who had wanted to protest against cattle slaughter would think of sacrificing himself.
I who have had an education in a leading Buddhist school am used to lighting the lamp, offering flowers and worshipping the Buddha every morning and evening. While I have had to visit the Dalada Maligawa on a number of days of the week for various reasons, I make it a point to pay homage to the Tooth Relic. For covering news or for some other purpose when I have to go several times a week, I visit both the Maha Nayaka Theros of Malwatta and Asgiriya and touch their feet and get their blessings. Apart from this, I keep cordial relationships with the Maha Sangha of Kandy as well as those of areas in close proximity to the area and accept their counselling. I who live such a life in such a background am deeply hurt for having being accused for not taking steps to prevent the self-immolation act of a monk.
Though I was told that steps would be taken to be given letters praising me for the support I gave the police, what had actually taken place is something entirely different. On a later date, SI Rangajeewa approached me once again and took a statement from me in addition to the original cassette in my possession in connection with the incident concerned.
In relation to the incident, allegations have been directed at me by the media. Some websites have spread false information and they have distorted the facts. Though photographs of me being taken into custody have been broadcast in newspapers that call themselves national and a number of websites which have no proper identity did not take measures to rectify their blunders. Instead they continue slinging mud at me. Though politicians and some media institutions inclusive of Jathika Hela Urumaya of which the Late Indarathana Thero was a member have issued press announcements, it was published only in the Mawbima newspapers. A certain electronic media to which I was attached had used the scenes I gave them, and after releasing the news, sheds crocodile tears about ethics. Because of the vast competition among the electric media each have been trying to become more prominent than the other and have made use of this incident as a prey and in the process I have been subjected to great mental anguish and pressure.
Though senior police officers have praised me saying that because I came forward and exposed the information the police were able to solve a great mystery, certain police officers questioned me as to why I did not take steps to save the monk's life.
While there is a senior DIG in charge of the Kandy district and under him is a DIG,a senior police superintendent as well as several police superintendents, deputy police superintendents and headquarters plus a large number of police officers in service, there is a separate police station for the protection of the Dalada Maligawa. There is also a large number of Intelligence officers affiliated to headquarters who are moving about the town. The foremost duty of all these security units is to supply protection to the Dalada Maligawa which is a supreme institution of Buddhists as well as a world heritage. The most populated place in Kandy town on Wesak Day is the place of entrance to the Dalada Maligawa, the Wahalkada. The reason for this is that there are various danselas being conducted at that place on that day and the public who come there to gain entrance to the Dalada Maligawa are to wait till their turn comes. Apart from that there are outlets to sell flowers and other trading centres. At the time Indarathana Thero was committing suicide, there was a large gathering close to that place, inclusive of police and other dignitaries of Kandy such as the Governor of Central Province, the Chief Minister and the Mayor of Kandy. There were guards as well as a number of STF officers.
After the incident, various newspapers calling themselves national newspapers of the country, numerous visual medias and radio channels kept on calling me continuously asking for an interview over the event displaying various forms of friendship, trying to sell me. What I asked from those media institutions who made such requests was only one question. That is, whether they displayed the statements issued by parties inclusive of the JHU, organisations and the police in their media or press about my innocence. Not being able to give a satisfactory reply most of them disconnected the line.
There are certain media and individuals who aimed various allegations and slung mud at me and wanted to show the world that the only person who was there at that instance when Indarathana Thero attempted to end his life in the presence of security forces as well as thousands of people. I would prefer to keep silent in their presence. But I believe that some day the truth of the incident would come to light in the proper manner.
Kandy -- Kamal Suraweera