A YouTube hit!
News of mishaps faced by female drivers are reported in various instances. An incident where a vehicle which was searching for a parallel spot in a vacant space in a by-lane of Holliland in Ireland last week and was having an absolutely tough time was spotted by a group of young people from a top-storey of a nearby building.
The driver had been a lady. She was manoeuvering the vehicle forward, backwards and once again forward, trying to locate a parallel spot to park the car in the proper manner with utmost difficulty; but was unable to do so for nearly half an hour. It is a special point of interest that nobody has come to her rescue.
The group of students who videod this mishap from the mobile phone camera in that instance and subsequently had sent it to the YouTube in the internet and it has been reported that that video had been watched by close upon 2 million viewers within a period of 5 days from last 25th.
Video showing the mishap faced by the lady, below