Mr.P.P. Thungasiri (39) from Padiyathalawa has came to Sri Lanka a few days ago after being expelled from Saudi Arabia where he was given 200 lashes and imprisoned for 1 year. Several opinions were expressed as for what reasons he was imprisoned. What Thungasiri says is that he had to face this because he was worshipping the Buddha in that country. However, Arab News published in Saudi says that when he was engaged as a driver he had got involved in an issue where he had tried to lure a housemaid in a nearby house and that he had to face this punishment while another piece of news said that Thungasiri was dabbling in supernatural activities in that country too and that he had to face this punishment as such
Thungasiri of 164, Kelelinda Wathuyayain In Padiyathalawa who says that he had to undergo this punishment because he was branded as a man practising voodoo activities and had misunderstood the manner in which he worshipped the Buddha explains his story as follows:
"I went for a job in Saudi Arabia. I worship the Buddha as a Buddhist. Other than that help we have no other help. Because of this, I had kept 3 pictures of Lord Buddha in the almirah in my room. I lit oil lamps and worshipped them. I also had Pirith Noola tied round my wrists. On May 17, 2012 when I was near a certain shop in Saudi Arabia, a group of religious police officers (Muthawwo) in that country came and checked me. After that they checked my mobile phone. They questioned me about the picture of Lord Buddha on the display. I said that I have them on my phone as a matter of custom only and not for a special reason as such.
Later they accompanied me and checked the place where I was staying. They checked everything and finally checked my almirah. Then they saw the 3 pictures of Lord Buddha and took those into their custody. Then they said,'You have done a wrong thing according to the law of this country' and so saying took me to the police station. Those who are in the country can't practise another religion. Can't even keep pictures like this and worship. They said that I had committed a serious mistake. Later they took my fingerprints forcefully on a document. I don't know what was written there.
After that the religious police handed me over to the police of that country. I was in that cell there for 14 days. What suffering I underwent!
I informed my parents also about this. The police took me to a number hearings in courts. Later I was sentenced to 1 year in jail and was given 200 lashes by the courts. Subsequently I had to face such torment. I who faced all that finally got this consolation because I worship the Buddha. It was because of that Lord my life was saved. But not even the Foreign Employment Bureau nor the government cared to find out about me. It was only the popular actor Ranjan Ramanayaka who looked into my matter. It was he who informed the media of the country. May he be blessed. I finished the jail sentence and came back to this country only with the monies sent from home. The Foreign Employment Bureau didn't care about us. Coming to Sri Lanka after undergoing such suffering is like going to Nirvana. It was because I worshipped the Buddha that I was able to come back to Sri Lanka alive once again.
Information and photos -- Ranjit Karunaweera