Nalin de Silva had called Carlo Fonseka a ‘SIMPLETON’ in a live programme:
The day before yesterday at the ITN programme ‘Doramadalawa’ a special guest speaker Professor Nalin de Siva had scolded the much respected Professor Carlo Fonseka in front of Hasantha Hettiarachchi the program conductor in a embarrassing manner calling him a ‘Simpleton’ causing a huge uproar while the live programme was live on the air.
The cause for this uproar was when Professor Nalin de Silva had added a statement that the “western science is all incorrect.”On hearing it Hasantha Hettiarachchi had quipped that “you too studied the same western science know” On hearing Hasantha’s statement professors had got angry and he was not given another chance to speak his anger had got worse.
Before a few minutes before ending the programme Carlo had told Nalin “There is something correct in what you said. There are new ones also, what I feel is the correct ones are not new, the new ones are not true”
To that what was uttered Professor Nalin de Silva” that means what I said was not correct. If it is allowed to answer in this manner why are we not allowed to give answers.In a short time the programme ended while the names were been published and shown on the screen what was seen was that the manner Nalin was scolding Carlo while he was standing:
The last section could be viewed from the video Below: