A famous attractive stage dram actress who portrays several roles in numerous stage plays had been raped in the wee hours of the New year day after she was returning all alone along a lonely lane to her boarding house after witnessing a musical show in the vicinity.
The incident had taken place at Kadirana area in Negombo. This raping incident is not second to the raping incident of the Para Medical student in India which occurred a few days ago. She is married and is a mother of a one year child.
On her way back on a lonely lane one person had forcibly stopped her and shut her mouth which prevented her screams to the neighbourhood. This person had carried her to a jungle like area and had raped her. In the meantime he had called on his mobile for the other three to arrive at the place. After they arrived they had taken turns to raid her. However she had heard a somewhat familiar voice, which was none other than her own ‘Boarding’ Master’s voice.
After raping her she had been abandoned and they four had fled away. Owing to
After she had identified the Boarding uncle through sheer shame he had fled away. After she was admitted to the hospital the neighbours had complained to the Police. When she informed about this suspect the Police was able to arrest him and cordon the other three suspects also. All four had been arrested.
The name of the ‘Boarding ‘House Master was Patrick Fernando 54 years old. Two other suspects were Airmen from the Air Force. One was 26 year old Uditha Lakmal Jayatilaka from Ittapana. The other Air man was a 40 year old, Sunil Shantha from Medirigiriyaya. The fourth suspect is a carpenter by profession from Kimbulapitiya in Negombo, 32 years old Buddhika Premaratna.
All suspects have been ordered to be remanded until the 15th by the Negombo Magistrate A.M.N.P.Amerasinghe.
The Crime branch of the Negombo Police is conducting further investigations.