Yesterday evening the body of slain Hasitha Madawala was taken for burial to the Pilapitiya cemetery in a possession of a large number of supporters and sympathises. At a point in the possession they had to pass Minister Mervin Silva’s office. At this point the sympathisers wanted to make a big protest. Many in sheer anger had been beating their chests with their hands and tried to create a major uproar and make it a chaos situation at that point. They had said that those responsible would face retribution soon.
However the Police was able to evade creating a chaos situation by taking correct action. The crowd were dispersed and they went along in the possession. Meanwhile the Police had checked the premises of Minister Mervin Silva’s office. They had been able to find two swords and a hand bomb buried. The owner land lady had been arrested. It is learnt that Police is going to question and take a statement from Minister Mervin Silva in regard to the killing of Hasitha Madawala.
The ‘derana’ video about the confusion and uproar of the supporters of slain Hasitha Madawala near Mervin Silva’s office could be viewed from BELOW: