He had got scared that a “secret” of the Manager would be revealed
An incident of a murder of a security officer at Central Finance Company in Gampola branch was reported yesterday. Even though it was first suspected to be a murder by a robber, it is now revealed that the Central Finance company Manager who had even delivered a speech on behalf the security guard at the funeral has committed the murder.
Gamini Sena was a resident of Giraula who was lying on a swamp of blood due to severe injuries to his head. Another security officer who has come to do the next shift has found Gamini’s dead body and he has found that someone has attempted to break the locker as well. Thus, he has suspected that some robbers have attempted to break into the company and has informed the Police. Police too have suspected the same due to the evidences of attempts made trying to
They have been able to find some fingerprints in the area where the murder has been committed and the Police dog has stopped near a waterfall which has been far away from the company where the murder had taken place.
The police was surprised to see the results of the fingerprints as they have matched with Sena’s boss, the Manager of the company who has given his utmost support during the funeral as well for the investigations conducted by the Police.
There were many a doubts and arguments on this regard between the investigators and the authorities of the company since it is natural to find the fingerprints of the Manager of the company in it. Yet, these finger prints were dipped in blood which became an evidence to arrest the Manager. He didn’t say a word during investigations and inquiries. He kept on saying “I am his boss, why on earth should I kill him? You all must be mistaken”. When the Police was finding it very difficult to find evidence a surprising thing had taken place..
Police received a tip about a person who rents machines which cuts wood and iron from Pussellawa. Reason for the police to follow up on that was because there was another robbery at a shop in Gampola which was robbed. There were similarities on both the cases. Both have used a grim ore machine to cut the
Both the Manager and the person who rents the machines have known each other inyimately for some time since both of them have been residing in Pussellawa. The Manager has given this man a three-wheeler and Rs20000/- in cash.
The Manager has met him on the 7th of November and has asked for a wooden bar with the length of 2 feet which he had hidden in the car which had been provided by the company.
Then he has called him again on the 17th and told him: “We have some work and why don’t you join me?”Accordingly they have driven from Pussellawa to Gampola around 9 o’ clock and they have reached the leasing company by 12 midnight. Gaminisena has been the security officer who had worked the night shift.
Manager has told him that he has come for some urgent work and the security officer has opened the doors for him. Manager’s friend who has followed Sena has hit him with the wooden bar which he has confessed before the Police. The manager too has thought that someone will suspect the murder has carried the body and placed it against the wall which has caused the finger prints dipped in blood.
He has then tried to make it look like a robbery. Therefore, they have tried to break into the locker yet they haven’t broken it and they have escaped.
The Manager has behaved normally as if he doesn’t have a clue on what had happened. He has also made a speech at the funeral and has stated that the murderers should be punished.
After the confession made by the Manager’s friend, he had revealed the murder. He has confessed that the murder was committed since he had known a secret the manager is guilty of and the Manager has got scared thinking that he will reveal it one day. Thus, he has planned the murder in the disguise of a robbery.
Police have been able to take the wooden bar, Sena’s ID and the machine which had been used to cut the locker have been taken into custody. They have been produced before Gampola Magistrate and have ordered them to be arrested untill the 3rd of January.