It is reported from Galagedera area that a boy friend had been caught under the bed of his girl friend when his mobile phone received two incoming calls with different ring tones. The incident is reported in this manner.
In one family the father works in Colombo and returns home only during the weekends. The mother, daughter and a younger son lived in this house. The daughter had been up to about last month been sleeping with her mother in one room while the younger brother had slept in another room. From about a month back the daughter had told her mother as she has to study she had shifted to another room as she wanted to study without disturbing her mother. Her mother had noticed that her room light was on till late night.
However the studying exercise had proved futile owing to an incident that had occurred last week. She had got friendly with a boy while going for external degree classes and had arranged for the boy friend to come into her room in the night through the window of her room.
On the 22nd of this month as usual the boy friend had jumped through the window and had entered her room. Suddenly he had received an incoming call to his mobile phone with a loud ring tone which was unusual. The girl rarely receives calls in the night and her ring tone was quite different. The younger
As they were leaving the room the boy friend had received another call with a loud ring tone. The two had come back to the room and the younger brother had seen the boy friend under the bed sans any clothes. He was caught by the younger brother red handed. In the meantime the mother and daughter had left the room. The Police was summoned and he was taken away.
When investigations were carried out it revealed that the boy friend is a married person having two kids. They had started the affair recently having met at external degree classes. The girl had not known he was a married man. She was thoroughly warned and was promised not to indulge in such activities again.The boy friend in now in remand at the Galagedera Police station. The Police are conducting further investigations in this regard in order to take appropriate action against the boy friend.