Unlimited love of a Mother who is looking after her children who have been on bedridden all their lives long
How much of time does a mother usually spend to look after her infant babies? Usually that will be for a maximum period of three to four years because once they are grown up they can look after themselves. Yet, can you believe of a mother who has been looking after her children for 57 years? Such a story is reported from Kuruwita, Mahayaya area. This is not a story of a just one child but of two children.
Even though they look and function like infants, they are older than they look. Yasawathie is the eldest, a daughter and she is 57 years old and Gunadasa is 52 years old. They have been handicapped and crippled due to some sickness and it has caused them to spend their entire lives in bed. Their incredible mother looks after them at her old age of 83. Their father, Mendis who has been 87 years old has passed away a year ago.
Yasawathie and Gunadasa are the elders of a family of eight siblings. Even though Yasawathie was born as a healthy child, she has got inflicted with some illness at the age of two and she has become defected afterwards. The doctors have carried out many experiments and they have totally failed in all their efforts and the mother had been told that she cannot be cured. Thus, her
They have fated to spend their entire lives in beds letting the parents to look after them like infants. What is special here is that the parents have never let them down. Even though the siblings have been looking after them, they too have been busy after engaging in their own lives. The parents have never gone behind the media asking for donations. Mendis has been looking after these two children considering it to be his duty until he passed away last year when he was 87 years old. Podi Nona who is 83 years old is still looking after her children after losing her husband. These parents are a blessing in an era of parents who leave their children on the streets and this is a good example to all parents in the whole world.