Did the Major betray the fight by freeing Malaka and his friends after the attack that took place in JAIC Hilton? Did he surrender before Mervin Silva’s goons and rowdiness? Is he a coward? There are many problems and many stories that have arisen after the Major withdrew his accusation against Malaka Silva and the rest as well.
Deputy Commissionaire of Police had made a statement regarding the Major who is related to the case that took place at JAIC Hilton on the 09th of this month. Even though the Major has told that he had gone to JAIC Hilton to as a detective or spy on a case regarding illegal drugs, it was said that he has been employed otherwise by a Millionaire businessman other than his position in the Army.
Even though he had been working for the Army Intelligence, he had been at JAIC Hilton as a body guard to one Nalin Fonseka who is a famous Casino owner. It was reported that “Konda Chooti” who is said to be a follower of Nawala Nihal (a member of the underworld). With this evidence on hand, the Deputy Commissionaire of Police shows that it is wrong to use army weapons to work for personal security of another person and that it is wrong of him to tell that he had been doing his duty just to show that he is innocent. It was also said that whether the Major was on duty or whether he was guarding another person will be proved by the investigations in the very near future.
At the same time, there is the question as to whether this was done just to hide the case against Malaka.
It was also reported that certain media has used his personal life regarding the problems in his marriage life to bring disgrace upon him.
There is also this rumour which says that he has drawn back his accusation towards Malaka Silva for the sake of his future security: for example to avoid him losing his job…etc.
The Lawyers’ opinion on this incident is that the Major cannot withdraw his accusation by an affidavit and through a motion to the courts. At the same time, even though the Major would like to agree upon peace, it could not be done because Malaka Silva has been accused not by the Major but by the Criminal Investigation Department for disturbing an army officer on duty, assaulting an army officer, and for despoilment of a weapon from an army officer. Thus, the accusation cannot be withdrawn as it is a civil case and not a personal case.
The previous article on Malak Silva’s surrendering could be read from HERE: