The missing Professor’s son’s dead body found in the toilet of a tuition class:

The dead 18 year old Sudeera, is the son of the Professor of history at the Peradeniya University, Mahinda Somathilaka. The cause of death had been suspected to be a breakage of a love affair.
Sudeera had been missing from his house from the 31st of last month. His father had lodged a complaint in the Police station. The dead body had been found two days later. The dead body had been found inside a toilet of a tuition class in Kandy.
As a terrible stench had emanated from the toilet of this tuition class, a worker who had suspected something had informed 119, the Police Emergency Unit. The Police had come and broken the door and had found the dead body of Sudeera with burn injuries. There had been by his side a can of kerosene and a box of matches.
The post mortem had revealed that the death is duty to burns and inhaling of Carbon Monoxide. Investigations had revealed that he himself had committed suicide. It had also revealed that he has had a broken love affair and had been in a state of depression and heartbroken state. According to the Police the cause of suicide had been owing to this reason.
The deceased Sudeera is a student of a leading school in Kandy and had been in the Advanced level class.

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