“I put 400 sleeping tablets to the fruit yoghurt, my father told that it tastes a bit bitter… I too was thinking of committing suicide”

    confession of the murderer of the triple murders in Wellawatta

    After, the 28 year old Prashan kumaraswami, the murderer of the triple murders at Wellawatta was caught, he had revealed how he had poison that were given to his parents and his sister.
    He had confessed that he bought 400 sleeping tablets along with fruit yoghurt that was brought home for his family. According to him, he had thought of committing suicide in order to escape from the debts and then he has thought that his parents will have to pay them on his behalf and thus he had planned to kill his family and then to commit suicide.
    “On the 14th all of us, had a meal in my room and then I brought four fruit yoghurts for dessert. I put 400 sleeping tablets into them and I mixed them well. When I brought them to the room, only my parents were there as my sister had gone to the bathroom. I gave them to my parents and they started eating and my father complained that they taste a bit bitter. Then I told him that it’s because fresh fruits have been used and that they taste a bit bitter. My sister too ate her yoghurt and I too ate the one of the yoghurts into which sleeping tablets were mixed.
    We ate them at around 2. 30 PM. after about 45 minutes, my father fell and mother ran towards him and she too fell. I didn’t know what happened to me… I was conscious on the other day and when I woke up I saw my family fallen on the floor… but my sister was a bit conscious and then I took some more tablets and put them into her mouth and forced her to swallow them.
    Then I removed all the jewelry which my mother was wearing and I went to Kotahena. I pawned them and took money. I was in debt to one of my friends and I paid him two and half lacks. Then I went to Kotagala ancestral home but I was unable to find any money. Yet I found some gold jewelry and I pawned them as well.
    Even though the dead bodies were there, I have been coming in and out of the house until the 17th. By the 16th the smell became very powerful. I went to the supermarket to buy air fresheners and moth balls and spread them all over my room. Then I was fed up and I thought of suicide and once again, I took sleeping tablets. I didn’t die. I vomited and I could no longer stay in the room as the smell was very strong.
    Then I was fed up of my life and I just roamed from hotel to hotel in Bambalapitiya, Wellawatta and Kollupitiya. On the 18th, I saw the police near my house when I was coming home. I was scared and suspected that they would have got to know about this and thus I took a three wheeler and made an escape. I mailed one of my cousins on the 20th as by then I was decided to commit suicide. For two days, I travelled to Badulla and came back to Colombo. I have taken the highway as well and I was caught in a bus on my way to Kurunegala.
    I cut my hair earlier and that wasn’t an attempt of escaspe. My mother always told me to cut hair as it used to get grey. I bought a car and I had a lot of unwanted expenses. I owed more than 70 lacks to my friends.
    At first, I wanted to kill myself because of the debts I owed others. Then I thought that my parents will have to pay them and that’s why I poisoned them.”
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