A law lecturer had dropped he credit card inside a bus while returning after seen her sick mother. This credit card had been picked up by a nurse attached to a private nursing hospital in Colombo. She had purchases good to the tune of Rs 40,000/- from a supermarket in Piliyandala by forging the owner’s signature. The goods that had been purchased had been luxury consumer items like Chocolates, Cheese and electrical items.
The owner of the credit card, the law lecturer had noticed about the loss of her credit card only after a few hours later. She had immediately brought it to the notice of the related reputed credit company. On perusal of her credit card account, the representatives of the credit card had informed her that already some purchases had been made through it. She was informed that even some purchases had been made at a particular Super market in Piliyandala.
This information she had provided the Police personnel at the Piliyandala Police station and had made an entry in this regard. The Police had thereafter visited the particular Super market and had requested for the records in their CCTV cameras, through which the thief, as said earlier a nurse attached to a private hospital in Colombo hospital who is a regular customer who patronises this super market was identified.
The Police was able to arrest her at Makandura in the Piliyandala area. She had confessed to the Police about the theft she had committed. The suspect was produced before the Kesbewa Magistrate courts on the 26th.