The still bachelor and renowned actor Sanath Guntillaka has quipped that he has had several love affairs with very attractive actresses, wealthy and very powerful politicians. There ere a lot of gossip and rumours spoken at several places and different times. However he had never spoken them in a straight forward manner.
After a very longtime he has given an interview to Sunday’s ‘Rivira’ paper. He had not hesitated to come out with the truth about women’s’ gossip. Appended below are some of the questions posed and rigid answers given by the renowned actor in this regard:
Q: When an actor works together an actress in a film, there are a lot of stories that are spread like wild fire about that particular actor. How sensitive they are to you?
A: “Although they are of course sensitive, I do not like to speak about them. I am not that sensitive to such pity things as another party is involved in it”.
Q: Have you had such relationships?
A: “Yes. There were such relationships. I am not prepared to disclose their names. I do not like to fall into such an embarrassing situation.”
Q: Although you are not willing to disclose names, with how many actresses you have had relationships”?
A: “I am not prepared to answer for that. I only could disclose that I have had relationships with attractive actresses, wealthy and very powerful women. But they are all now only history”
Q: Why these attachments happened to be temporary?.
A:“None of these attachments did not end up in marriage?
Q: Have you been sorrow or disappointed about them?
A: “Of course yes”
Q; There were any instances when you were happy about them?’
A: “At times I have regretted about that particular person, but I had become happy after that”
Q: Why did all your relationships become temporary?
A:. I cannot give a proper answer. Some of the female friends may be happy as it did not happen, while others may feel unhappy?
Q: Were these connections similar to acting in a film?
A: “Unquestionably not like an acting matter. Like acting very seriously I have taken all my love affairs also in a serious manner”