Whenever a film star or an artist related to arts gets entangled in a conflict it is a common occurrence that such stories spread like wild fire and given wide publicity and people too are inquisitive to know about such conflicts. The renowned actress Iranganie Serasinghe has got entangled in an unresolved conflict with the Navy for a prolonged period of time.
The reason for this is because she as a true lover of the environment had made a loud voice and has had demonstrations against the Navy personnel in regard to some definite harm made to the environment in the vicinity of the ‘Panama’ lagoon in Ampara area in the Eastern province. This matter had begun after ending of the war. Iranganie Serasinghe is a staunch environmental lover and had made protests and demonstrations against the navy personnel in harming the environment around and in the vicinity of the ‘Panama’ lagoon. As she is very much interested in preserving the she had called for a press briefing yesterday to make an awareness of this situation.
“I cannot declare war against the Navy. However I had pleaded to the Navy personnel several times about preserving the environment in the vicinity of the ‘Panama’ lagoon It is regret to note that my pleas to the Navy personnel about this pollution of the environment. But they have fallen on deaf ears without giving a favourable solution to my request and had not shown any interest to my request”.
After the war the fishermen had been deprived of performing their fishing industry and had been deprived of their livelihood. The navy personnel had even extended the ‘Panama’ lagoon which had made the prawns, crabs and fish in the lagoon to live in danger and fear.