A group of three youngsters after consuming “COREX” had made an attempt to rob a tuition master’s Colombo 7 residence.

When caught and arrested by Police it had revealed that they were all drunk after consuming ‘COREX”:

An upstairs house belonging to a renowned tuition Sir, in Colombo 7 had been attempted to be robbed by three youngsters who had consumed “COREX” syrup and had got drunk. It is reported that they had been caught red handed by the Police as they had not planned the robbery in a proper manner.

One of the burglars had suggested that he will enter a room by breaking a window pane and for the other two to stay outside after he had entered into the premises. The person who volunteered to enter by breaking a window pane had told the other two to come when gives a signal or a sign to come in. They were staying outside the upstairs house.
The gallant youngster who climbed on to a dark room had broken the glass window pain and had entered the dark room. While trying to break the glass window pane his hand had got a deep cut and had been bleeding profusely and had been in a very embarrassing situation. He had switched on the light in the room and had lied on a bed after switching on a light.

The tuition master on hearing the sound of breaking a glass window pane had come near the room and had peeped in. He was shocked to see a youngster lying on a bed with severe bleeding by cut injuries. He too had got scared and had telephoned the Cinnamon Gardens Police. The Police had rushed to the seen and initially had seen the other two youngsters also drunk having consumed “COREX” staying close to the parapet all, and were caught while trying to escape. When the Police saw the youngster with severe cuts and was bleeding profusely had taken him to the hospital for treatment.

The doctors who treated him had told that if he was not brought to hospital he would have succumbed to death following severe bleeding. Subsequently all three were arrested and are to be produced before courts. It is learnt that they are residents of Wanathamulla and Narahenpita. The Police had told that they have been caught and arrested for similar offences of robbing related incidents according to Police reports.
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