For vehicles already ordered the new import tax is applicable:
With the increase of import tax on vehicles, which was announced last week has caused the business of the vehicle importers upside down.
With the increase of import tax on vehicles both commercial and domestic another condition that has to be applied is about the year of manufacture. The commercial vehicles the period has been made one year from two years. In the case of reconditioned light vehicles, the vehicles imported should have been manufactured within three and a half years from five years which was the earlier prescribed period.
This has caused a severe damage to importers of vehicles as the prices between the new and reconditioned vehicles are hardly different. In this context the sale of reconditioned vehicles is bound to go down.
In Sri Lanka brand new vehicles are imported by several reputed vehicle companies, while the reconditioned vehicles are imported by private car dealer companies. Both these importing institutions will have to pay the increased import tax. This increase was brought with effect from 31st March.
It is unfair to charge the new import tax for those who have already ordered the vehicles. The new import tax is to increase by a margin ranging from Rs 5- 10 lacks.
Most of those who never expected this increase and had ordered the new vehicles would face a lot of difficulties when clearing their vehicles. In this regard there had been conflicts and clashes between various vehicle import companies and private importers of vehicles.