Famous Tamil cricket commentator dies in motor accident:

Popular Media personnel and Tamil cricket commentator Nurania Hassan had died on the spot in a  terrific motor accident. This accident had occurred around 4.30 a.m today. He had travelled along with six other Media personnel in a vehicle on their way to Jaffna when the vehicle they were travelling in had collided with a lorry.
The unfortunate mishap had taken place near ‘Rambewa’. Six others who were travelling in the vehicle, who sustained injuries, had been admitted to the Anuradhapura General hospital. It is reliably learnt that three of the injured are in a serious condition.
The deceased media personnel and Tamil radio cricket commentator was a very familiar to many Tamil listeners of radio cricket commentaries. He was popular as he used to summarise in Tamil language at the end of 5 overs after the commentary was given in Sinhala and English for the benefit of Muslim and Tamil listeners. He was also a specialist in giving expert comments and summary of matches.
At the time of his demise he was Director in the Muslim service at the SLBC.

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