The Sampath Bank ATM problem totally sorted out-Banks IT Head reveals:
The defects that existed at Sampath Bank’s ATM’s were reports in this web site just a while ago. The Head of IT of Sampath Bank, Ajit Salgado had informed the ‘Gossiplankanews’ web site that a little while ago all defects have been rectified and normalcy restored.
It had been informed reliably that Sampath Bank provided the facility to draw from their ATM’s of clients who possess ATM cash withdrawal from cards of other banks as well. They had provided an excellent service to all card holders of all banks, irrespective of whether they were Sampath Banks ATM card holders or not.
During the festive season many clients of other ATM Banks card holders had been provided this facility. This perhaps may have been the cause because of an overload of work for the Software system. The head of IT of Sampath Bank that there service is 99.9% in favour of their clients in particular.
The Sampath Bank ATM network is now working to perfection.
UPDATES: 10.10 a.m.
Sampath Bank’s large ATM network confused and chaotic:
The confused, defective and chaotic situation of the very famous and prestigious Sampath Bank’s large net work of Automatic Teller Machines scattered around the island had caused a lot inconvenience to so many clients who have been terribly inconvenienced owing to temporary, permanent breakdowns.
This is in addition incorrect information generated from the accounts of thousands of clients. Some clients had failed in their endeavours to obtain correct data in respect of their accounts it is reliably reported form informed sources.
The related responsible authorities of this very prestigious bank had made pleas that they are in the process of rectifying this harmful defect. At several outstations, ATM’s there had been long queues at Sampath Bank ATM’s. It is also informed that several ATM’s are completely broken down.
As yesterday the 21st was a Saturday and today the 22nd been a Sunday many clients of Sampath Bank depend totally for cash withdrawals from around 1600 ATM machines scattered throughout island wide. The management and the technical staff of the ATM’s have found the defect in the major ‘SOFT WARE’ system of the ATM network and is due to be rectified soon.