Wimal Weerawansa sporting American Sunglasses:

It was quite recently after UNHR council conference that Minister Wimal Weerawansa who made a deep plea and a cry to all Sri Lankan’s to boycott using American products in the likes of the internet ‘Google’, Coca Cola, products of McDonald’s which are extensively used by Sri Lankans.
He went on to lead an unsuccessful campaign, a door to door and shop to shop campaign in an effort to stop selling and importing of American goods.
However at a Parliamentary friendly cricket match held last week Minister who protested to American goods and who led this campaign was seen wearing a pair of imported sun glasses from America. He was made to be embarrassed by his colleagues saying that you have yourself supported American goods by wearing a pair of imported sunglasses from America during this cricket match.
The answer he gave was this ‘chinese’, ‘chinese’ to avoid severe embarrassment he had quipped promptly.
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