A system to educate drivers and riders a new penalty points system 
introduced. The maximum penalty points are for riding motor cycles without helmets and for not stopping after an accident fetches a penalty of 10 points.
An act has been passed in Parliament to reduce the actions of law breaking drivers and riders, last Thursday, that if a driver or a rider disobeys the new rules he/she would have to forego the licence for a period of one year if 24 points are accumulated according to the mistakes on road ethics committed. A new licence has to be applied according to laid down procedures obtained according to the procedures laid after the period of one has lapsed.
Accordingly points accumulated are scrutinised at the end of each year. According to this system the licence has to be renewed every two years. If the points are below the range of 18 that need does not arise. Those who have been penalised for 18-23 points, the existing licence is to be cancelled for a period of one year. However in addition to this point’s system spot fining for offenders will not continue in addition to the new points system implemented. This is an advantage for drivers who make offences.
This system once implemented would also be computerised simultaneously. What is appended below is how the penalty points are added for different types of offences.
The manner points are added for mistakes/offences committed by divers/riders:
1. Not attempting for prevention of an accident (penalty points 6)
2. Driving fast at vulnerable points ( penalty points 8)
3. Driving recklessly on Highways ( penalty points 8)
4. Non stoppage of vehicle after an accident 9 ( penalty points 10)
5. For not informing the Police after an accident ( penalty points 10)
6. Driving fast at points where speed limits are prescribed ( penalty points 10 )
7. Driving at high speeds where speed limits are prescribed ( penalty points 2)
8. For overtaking at dangerous points ( penalty points 6)
9. For overtaking on wrong sides ( penalty points 4)
10. For not abiding to right of way (penalty points 4)
11. For overtaking and driving speedily on highways (penalty points 4)
12. For not abiding to road signs and signals (penalty points 4)
13. For nor abiding to road signal and turning at will (penalty points 4)
14. For driving not roadworthy vehicles (penalty points 6 )
15 for driving vehicles making unusual noises (penalty points 6)
16 Tooting horns at prohibited areas (penalty points 6)
17 driving ram shackled vehicles on roads (penalty points 10)
18 for not wearing seat belts 9 penalty points 03)
19. Overtaking vehicles at prohibited places (penalty points 4)
20 Non stoppages of vehicles at pedestrian crossings (penalty points 6)
21. Riding motor cycles without helmets (penalty points 4)
22. Talking over cell phones while driving (penalty points 4)
introduced. The maximum penalty points are for riding motor cycles without helmets and for not stopping after an accident fetches a penalty of 10 points.
An act has been passed in Parliament to reduce the actions of law breaking drivers and riders, last Thursday, that if a driver or a rider disobeys the new rules he/she would have to forego the licence for a period of one year if 24 points are accumulated according to the mistakes on road ethics committed. A new licence has to be applied according to laid down procedures obtained according to the procedures laid after the period of one has lapsed.
Accordingly points accumulated are scrutinised at the end of each year. According to this system the licence has to be renewed every two years. If the points are below the range of 18 that need does not arise. Those who have been penalised for 18-23 points, the existing licence is to be cancelled for a period of one year. However in addition to this point’s system spot fining for offenders will not continue in addition to the new points system implemented. This is an advantage for drivers who make offences.
This system once implemented would also be computerised simultaneously. What is appended below is how the penalty points are added for different types of offences.
The manner points are added for mistakes/offences committed by divers/riders:
1. Not attempting for prevention of an accident (penalty points 6)
2. Driving fast at vulnerable points ( penalty points 8)
3. Driving recklessly on Highways ( penalty points 8)
4. Non stoppage of vehicle after an accident 9 ( penalty points 10)
5. For not informing the Police after an accident ( penalty points 10)
6. Driving fast at points where speed limits are prescribed ( penalty points 10 )
7. Driving at high speeds where speed limits are prescribed ( penalty points 2)
8. For overtaking at dangerous points ( penalty points 6)
9. For overtaking on wrong sides ( penalty points 4)
10. For not abiding to right of way (penalty points 4)
11. For overtaking and driving speedily on highways (penalty points 4)
12. For not abiding to road signs and signals (penalty points 4)
13. For nor abiding to road signal and turning at will (penalty points 4)
14. For driving not roadworthy vehicles (penalty points 6 )
15 for driving vehicles making unusual noises (penalty points 6)
16 Tooting horns at prohibited areas (penalty points 6)
17 driving ram shackled vehicles on roads (penalty points 10)
18 for not wearing seat belts 9 penalty points 03)
19. Overtaking vehicles at prohibited places (penalty points 4)
20 Non stoppages of vehicles at pedestrian crossings (penalty points 6)
21. Riding motor cycles without helmets (penalty points 4)
22. Talking over cell phones while driving (penalty points 4)