Last week a couple had been fighting at the Police station and when the police officers had questioned them as to what they are doing, the wife had told:
“Sir, this is my husband…he…” She had been reluctant to continue the story.
“What has happened? The police officer had inquired again.
“Sir, he is in an illicit relationship with another woman. Our lives had become a mess without a solution for this problem.”
“Is this true?”The Police officer had asked the husband.
“Sir, all this is her imaginations. I don’t have anyone else other than my wife but she doesn’t respect me, that’s how she brought me to the Police station.”
Here the wife got very angry and she replied:
“Sir, how can he expect respect when he does such shameful things? Sir, check his mobile phone and then you will see a clip of him and his mistress. He showed it to me without any shame. After seeing that only I wanted to bring him to the Police.”
The Police officers checked his mobile phone and smiles rose in their faces.
There were video clips of that husband and of another woman interacting sexually.
However, the man was not ashamed at all and he was not agitated by this.
When the Police asked: “What do you have to tell about these?
He responded that: “One day she told me that she would like to watch such clips. That is why I filmed them. That was not because I wanted but to accede to her request.
Police warned him not to insult his wife by doing such degrading things. Wife affirmed that she would seek the support of the law. Police officers who decided to forward this case to the mediation board advised them to seek a solution and sent them off.