The giant in the field of Television, Children’s stories and cartoons Titus Thotawatte (‘Ti Mama’) passed away yesterday the 15th.He was 82 years old at the time of his demise .His funeral is due to take place at the Kanatta cemetery on Wednesday the 19th.
Although he had many contributions to the cinema, his main contribution was made to his production of ‘ HANDAYA’.He was initially the film editor of the Government film unit. In the year 1956 he assisted Lestor James Pieris and Willie Blake by editing the film ‘Rekawa’. He also directed films ‘Chandiya’ and ‘Kawda Hari’ and’Hara Lakshaya’ For his contribution to the cinema was awarded the life time award ‘The Rana Thisara’ award in the year 1995.
He had produced several Tele Dramas for children. He edited and dubbed several English children’s stories into Tele stories to the small screen.Some of these productions are ‘ Dosthara Hoda Hitha’,’ Pissu Pusa’,’Ha Ha Hari Hawa’,’Guliverge suviseriya’,’ Robin Hood’,’Kunfu’, ‘Oshin’, ‘Punchi Iththewa’,’Surangana Katha Karaliya’,’Hasorali Rasara’, ‘Punchi Eth Patiya’,’Landanaye Atharamanwela’,’Manupathata’,’Manchachristo Situwaraya’,’yaweslu Minisa’. These productions were acclaimed mainly by children ad were very popular among all.
He was a prominent member of ‘Hela Hawla’ to protect Sinhala language. He not only translated the English versions into Sinhalese, but did it to give its real meaning precisely. His productions were those that were made to re-telecast in the Television channels to the largest extent.
Some of the videos of his productions are shown below which would recollect the past memories: