This story is fabricated:
The media story is totally biased:
The underworld story is totally incorrect:
I had never assaulted her:
I am willing to unite:
The story of kidnapping two kids which arose so much sympathy and public attraction was biased and it was totally only one sided. This was added by the father of the kids Kumudula de Silva over the phone to the Gossiplanka news web site. He said that his wife had misled the media by feeding fictitious information.
He added that there was no underworld work to kidnap the kids. He said he had not seen a glimpse of the children for 6 months and had been making desperate attempts to search them, until he took possession of the children.
It is learnt that his wife had told her lawyers that she sustained bruises in the attempt preventing her husband taking away the kids. This is a totally fabricated story. He said that his wife s a person who loses her temper very abruptly. However amidst her losing her temper they had lived in harmony and it is her parents who had made us to live peacefully. He said as he is very fond of the children he is willing to unite with his wife despite these drawbacks and to live a happy family life
The father of the kids Kumudula de Silva who contacted the’Gossiplankanews’
What do you say about these stories?
‘There is no divorce case, fighting or an underworld kidnapping. The Media had been misled and I am unable to face people on the streets. I should say that we did have confrontations and conflicts. Everything happened in the month of March this year when her mother came and took my wife and kids from my house to theirs. She had hidden the kids with the knowledge of her mother and father. I was informed via an unknown telephone number by my wife that the kids are in my safe custody and not to search for them. I felt very hurt as I could not see the kids and suffered severely. I made valiant efforts for 6 months to locate them. I made complaints to children’s courts, Maharagama and Mahiyangana Police stations. She never came for inquiries. All letters sent were returned undelivered. During this period the birthdays of the children passed. I thought she would
What happened on the day of the incident?
When I knew the exact place where she lived it was in my own vehicle I visited her place. The door was open. I went near the kids and asked her also to come near to us. She never came. Then i told her that I am taking the kids along with me. The story that I broke the doors, and jumped over the parapet walls is all false and fabricated. For me to take my children I need not want the assistance of the underworld elements. She has fabricated a story with her lawyers that I sought the assistance of the underworld. As the Police would not accept a complaint as it is a civil case. Although she had lodged a complaint, but without mentioning my name.
When she had been given orders by the Colombo District Courts to take temporary possession of the kids why did you take them away?
I was not at all aware that there was such a court order. I was not even informed even via a message. I never attended courts for such a case and summons was not served on me. Hence i was totally unaware of such a ruling. When a lady comes to courts with small kids without her spouse the ownership of the kids is naturally given to the mother. It is the pattern in the existing system.
Did you assault her and made her uneasy?
These false allegations have been fabricated by her for her benefit. She had been in the practice of complaining to the Police that I assault her. These complaints were never questioned or examined by the Police authorities.
In that case how did the conflicts take place?
It is a fact that we have had constant arguments, particularly when we were newly married. Then we proceeded to England for studies. During that period life between us was very peaceful devoid of much conflict. After we had babies her mother came and joined us. When we had arguments her mother always took her side. She unnecessarily intervened into our matters. This was the reason for all our problems. Sometimes her mother does not allow me to enter the house and closes the door.
Your wife had accused that you have got addicted to the Face Book and do not even see whether the children eat or not?
It is like this. I do go to the face book. I am a married person. I see the pictures of both of us and children. I do not waste time chatting on face book like young boys do. She makes accusations that I log into the face book.
Your father it is learnt that has been accused for a murder case and hence your wife did not like to keep the children where he was?
My father runs a restaurant in Mahiyangana. One day two fractions had fought after getting drunk, during which one person had died. For that my father is giving evidence and is only a suspect. The judgement is yet to be delivered. These types of cases many business men have to face. She is telling these stories to get points to keep the children.
You two got married after a love affair. What is this talk about dowry?
There is question about that. I got married after having had an affair for two years with the blessings of parents of both of us. When I got married I owned a car, a house, a job and a business. Since it was a love affair the question of a dowry did not arise. She had said this as she has no other faults of mine to disclose.
Do you really love your children?
Yes definitely. That is why I made valiant efforts to trace them. Children were very happy when we lived together. When i have a good house I do not like them living in small houses. My elder son had not been sent to Montessori, although the time has come.
Why are you not reconciling?
I took away the children, it was not correct. Children need the Mother. I told the Police due to this reason I would like to reunite and live together.
Your matter appears to have been misinterpreted by the media?
Yes. This was made a big story and the media had distorted the story. To add to it the incorrect advice of lawyers and the decisions of her parents were barriers. One Police officer told me that the problems have existed because children love their parents and are bound to listen to them. I would like to forget everything and reunite and live in our residence in Kandy.
The story how kumudula’s wife related with regard to taking the children away from here: